Have only 5 minutes?  You still have time to be an advocate!  Here are some tips on how to be an advocate in a short period of time:

-          Patient-level advocacyPrint out and utilize the Advocacy Code Card and Community Resources Handout, designed specifically for Children’s National clinicians!  Get in the habit of asking about home (safe housing? violence? weapons?) and school (special ed? bullying? truancy?) environments, as well as access to community resources (WIC? food stamps?) on all well child (and appropriate sick) visits.


-          Community-level advocacy:  Visit http://anc.dc.gov to figure out the Advisory Neighborhood Commission in DC for the communities in which you live (or work, including continuity clinic)!  Then google that ANC and sign up for email alerts about upcoming meetings and events.  (Many communities in MD and VA have similar commissions.)


-          Federal-level advocacy:  Email kids1st@aap.org to become an AAP Key Contact!  You’ll get action alerts when key legislation is being considered, as well as a short weekly email with key updates related to child health.

Last modified: Monday, August 5, 2013, 5:19 PM