Martha's Table is a DC community organization that addresses emergency needs with food and clothing programs and works to assist children and families as they break the cycle of poverty through education and family support. They have a strong focus on fresh and healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) rather than the usual non-perishable canned goods often seen in food pantries.

Martha’s Table has joined with Capital Area Food Bank and DC Schools to host pop-up fresh food markets at elementary schools in the city, and has called them Joyful Markets. The markets offer each child 23lb of FREE fresh produce, cooking demonstrations for both adults and kids, and music---sounds fun, right?

DC AAP thought so, too! And they asked for our help as pediatricians. We are piloting an ‘Ask the Doc' booth at the monthly markets at one school, staffed by pediatric residents. Each month will have a health-related theme and a fun activity or game for the kids who stop by to make the markets even more broadly promote health and wellness. Our goal is to establish a longitudinal relationship with Martha’s Table and Beers Elementary School.

Where: Anne Beers Elementary School, 3600 Alabama Ave SE, Washington, DC 20020 (park in lot or on street)

When: Wednesdays 3-5pm

Who: All members of DC AAP are welcome to volunteer!

For more info or to get involved, reach out to the Chief Residents who can put you in touch with the current CHT residents in charge of Joyful Markets. All materials are stored on google drive: 

Last modified: Thursday, June 7, 2018, 10:37 AM