Welcome to the Neuro/Endo Service!

This brief orientation should help you: 1) provide safe, effective, and efficient care, 2) teach & learn, and 3) letting seniors lead their teams.Please review the following to ensure that you are prepared.

Please bookmark this page or download a link on your smart phone. The contacts for this rotation are Andrew Abreo (Chief), Marc DiSabella, or Priya Vaidyanathan.

  1. Review the Neuro/Endo Senior Expectations. You are expected to manage the general pediatric issues for Neurology patients. In addition, at the end of each patient's rounds presentation you can summarize the plan to clarify information.
  2. Review the Child Neurology Handbook and Endocrinology Handbook for Pediatric Residents.
  3. Review the Intern Orientation section to reinforce expectations.
  4. Senior Resident Weekly Feedback Friday & learning goal form - Use this on Monday & Friday for weekly goal setting and feedback.
  5. Inpatient Seniors as Teachers & Leaders Noon Discussion Series Schedule - This series is designed to give you opportunities to discuss topics related to teaching & learning while you're doing it.  See the schedule & instructions.


  • Intern sign out must be observed Mon-Thurs of the first week of each intern block (the last week of your block).  Share this responsibility with your fellow/ attending.  Support the use IPASS format for handoffs. All intern sign-out must start at 5pm.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that all teaching sessions occur.
  • Make sure your team is appropriately forwarding pagers and phones.
  • Lead your team in appropriate escalation of care for sick patients.  Review the use of PEWS, Watcher Events, CAT team and code blue team before beginning your rotation. PEWS poster and PEWS badge card linked here. Remember, all PEWS = 5 need a CAT, all PEWS = 4 need watcher notes, & escalate nursing concerns even if you're comfortable, there may be other aspects to consider. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the requirements for your medical students (See these 3 separate links for:  Howard, GW MS3).

    Have a great month!

    Last modified: Friday, March 25, 2016, 4:07 PM